The Shri Ram School

Round Square Community

Round Square is an internationally diverse network of 230 like-minded schools in 50 countries on six continents that connect and collaborate to offer world-class programmes and experiences, developing global competence, character and confidence in our students.

The ideals of Round Square are:

Internationalism – We promote international understanding through exposing students to ideas and concepts from different cultures and countries, by challenging them to understand and tackle real-world issues, and by connecting them with other students from all nationalities, who are welcomed into each Round Square school.

Democracy – In defining and promoting a Spirit of Democracy Round Square schools capture and disseminate attitudes, understandings, and competencies for positive community engagement, and active, involved local and global citizenship.

Environmentalism – Through defining and promoting a Spirit of Environmentalism, Round Square schools create opportunities both within and outside the curriculum for students to explore proven problems and to play a practical role in tackling environmental issues.

Adventure – Through defining and promoting a Spirit of Adventure, Round Square schools create a culture and environment in which students are encouraged to take risks and step outside their comfort zone. Understanding that adventure is defined by everyone according to personal limits, we encourage and celebrate challenge, courage, and tenacity in all contexts.

Leadership – Through defining and promoting a Spirit of Leadership, Round Square schools empower students to actively engage in developing strategy, solving problems and leading teams, ultimately understanding their potential to be current and future leaders, and the responsibility that comes with that role.

Service – Through defining and promoting a Spirit of Service, Round Square schools promote responsible social action that is based on a deep understanding of challenges and issues faced by individuals and communities in need of support throughout the world.

Students participate in Round Square Collaborations, Conferences, Service projects and Exchanges. They are based on one Round Square Ideal and a theme.

Conference – Students and teachers in Round Square schools have the chance to take part in age-appropriate local, regional, and global conferences that bring them together with peers from different countries to share perspectives, debate topical issues, forge friendships, support local communities, and develop international understanding.

Reach the Round Square Heads 2023 at: 

Ruhani Sarin [email protected]
Deepika Kashyap [email protected]
Vinati Manchanda [email protected]
Shivya Sharma [email protected]

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